Fill out the form below completely. All receipts should be attached to the form and emailed to or mail to: Keokuk Municipal Waterworks 20 N. 4th St., Keokuk, IA 52632

Water/Sewer Leak Forgiveness Policy

A water/sewer adjustment may be granted when ALL of the following conditions are present:

  • Customer notifies the Waterworks of an excessive utility bill that may be related to a leak.
  • Water consumption exceeds the customer’s average monthly usage over the previous 12-month period.
  • Leak occurred on the customer’s side of the meter.
  • Plumber’s receipt or other proof that confirms the leak was repaired.

However, no adjustments will be granted where any of the following situations exist:

  • Usage above the customer’s average monthly consumption is due to seasonal usage such as watering, gardening, filling swimming pools or whirlpools, etc.
  • Leak was caused by a third party from whom the customer is able to recover their costs. Examples include, but are not limited to, theft, vandalism, negligence and construction damage, unoccupied or vacant properties.
  • When a leak continues for three or more months; at most, adjustments will cover a two month billing cycle consecutive period only.
  • The meter at said property has been tampered with, or turned on/off by anyone other than a Waterworks employee and that action results in a loss of water.
  • A water/sewer adjustment was issued previously without a change in ownership or occupancy or a water/sewer adjustment was issued within the past 5 years for the same service location regardless in change of ownership or occupancy.

This policy may provide relief for water/sewer usage charges, adjusted to 12-month average upon Waterworks review and approval.  If a 12-month average is not available, an adjustment will be determined by the Waterworks. Waterworks reserves the right to adjust any high bill due to atypical situations.